
1.1. In more than 200 cases, excessive gynecologic bleeding (nonmalignant) was controlled satisfactorily in 99 per cent by the injection of stilbestrol in oil (25 mg. per c.c. dosage) into the anterior lip of the cervix uteri.2.2. A critical analysis of 60 cases revealed that 58.3 per cent ranged from 20 to 30 years of age; 70 per cent had decreased thyroid function; 70 per cent had pelvic disorders; 71.4 per cent were menorrhagic and menometrorrhagic; 70.2 per cent bled from a proliferative endometrium and infertility was significantly higher.3.3. Large or repeated dosage of stilbestrol did not cause toxic symptoms of sufficient intensity to warrant its discontinuance or modification.4.4. The pelvic disorders did not contraindicate such use of stilbestrol.

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