
Slow potential recording was used for long-term monitoring of the penumbra zone surrounding an ischemic region produced by middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion in adult hooded rats (n = 32). Four capillary electrodes (El-E4) were chronically implanted at 2-mm intervals from AP -3, L 2 (El) to AP 0, L 5 (E4). Spontaneous or evoked slow potential waves of spreading depression (SD) were recorded during and 4 h after a 1-h MCA occlusion and at 2- to 3-day intervals afterward for 3 weeks. Duration of the initial focal ischemic depolarization was maximal at E4 and decreased with distance from the focus. SD waves in the penumbra zone were high at El and E2, low and prolonged at E3, and almost absent at E4. Amplitude of elicited SD waves was further reduced 3 days later and slowly increased in the following week. Cortical areas displaying marked reduction of SD waves in the first days after MCA occlusion either remained low or showed substantial (60%) recovery, the probability of which decreased with the duration of the initial focal ischemic depolarization and increased with the distance from the focus. It is concluded that the outcome of ischemia monitored by long-term SD recovery in the perifocal region can be partly predicted from the acute signs of MCA occlusion.

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