
Gardeners delight in hundreds of different types of chrysanthemums, often classified by criteria such as bloom time, shape, color, size and arrangement of petals. To simplify the process for home gardeners, plants are often divided into eight distinct chrysanthemum plant types. The results of the research on the application methods of small-flowered chrysanthemum varieties in landscaping of garden and park objects of Vinnytsia region are presented and the indicators of adaptation to growing conditions are determined. A decorative assessment of the varieties of the botanical species Chrysanthemum indicum L. grown in the conditions of the architectural and exposition area of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University was carried out. Peculiarities of phenological development of the studied varieties of small-flowered chrysanthemums such as Amiko violet, Axima yellow, Rowan improved, Camina red, Bigli pink, Tricky white, Elissa have been established. According to the results of phenological observations, the plants were grouped according to the timing of flowering. The morphological indicators of the studied varieties of small-flowered chrysanthemums are analyzed in order to establish the peculiarities of growth processes in the conditions of the architectural-exposition site of VNAU. The characteristics of varieties that are representative of a set of such indicators as plant height, shape of the bush and its foliage are described. Variants of using small-flowered chrysanthemum varieties for creating garden compositions and landscaping of garden and park objects of Vinnytsia region have been identified. The ability of small-flowered chrysanthemum plants to form shoots after overwintering has been established. The evaluation of varieties makes it possible to determine the main ways of future targeted creation and filling of the collection of garden chrysanthemums. It is established that due to the high intensity of flowering and the long flowering period in general, the studied varieties are highly decorative and are in demand in both industrial and amateur floriculture.

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