
Biosensor technologies is an interdisciplinary science related to the development of biological and information sciences, based on the creation of devices with biocomputing components forming neural network structures, also used for the identification of animals. (Research purpose) The aim of the study is studying and structuring information on the use of biosensor devices and systems in livestock, find the possibilities for subsequent introduction into industry’s practice through effective engineering solutions of pattern recognition, adaptive management of animal behavior, etc. (Materials and methods) We have used methods of collection, study, systematization, analysis of scientific information obtained from livestock practices, expert assessments made in accordance with the technological regulations of the scientific-and- technical funds, patent and license sources, innovative developments of leading manufacturers of machinery and equipment for the beef cattle identification. (Results and discussion) Theory and practice of biosensor science in animal-based biomedical research proved that a balanced, workable system of biosensor control reaches the value of 1,0 e10 - 1,0 e12 of individual cells-sensors. The pulse time of the neuron of 2-5 milliseconds is enough for evaluation of the animal’s habitus, as well as speed of movement, body temperature. It is possible to determine information about the physiological condition of the animal: rut, fatness, location or identity of animal, quality of sperm, embryos, authenticity of origin and other parameters on selected DNA samples by using smart laser and ultrasonic biosensors that transmit these data to smart chips. The article shows that the linear biological parameters of the object obtained with the sensors can be converted by calculation into nonlinear ones, with further telemetry transmission of information to the animal’s biochip and stationary receiving software device. Biocalculation devices are able to calculate and control the change in live weight of animals of different breeds up to 6 months of age, adjusted for the variability of the trait. It was found that the coefficient of variation Cv reaches 1.5-2.5 percent, and as the animal grows, it reaches of 15-18 percent. (Conclusion) The solution of engineering problems in animal husbandry with the help of biosensors and sensors of a new generation depends on the biochemical nature of the recognition element (its action algorithm can be calculated). Biocomputing devices are capable not only to accept, but also to count and to control various parameters of animals. The use of engineering biosensor intelligent systems and neurocybernetic in animal husbandry expands the possibilities of the industry, makes them attractive to the manufacturer and gives a great economic effect.

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