
Abstract Icefields composed of frazil and pancake ice play important roles in both polar regions in winter. During the early to midwinter period pancake ice is a major component of the Antarctic sea ice cover, while in the Arctic the Odden ice tongue in the Greenland Sea, associated with deep convection, is composed mainly of pancake ice. The retrieval of sea ice thickness by remote sensing is, in general, a very difficult task. In this paper the change in dispersion of ocean waves as they penetrate into pancake ice is considered so as to gain insight into its possible relationship with thickness. Spectral analysis of subscenes from ERS-2 (second European Remote Sensing Satellite) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images yields the wavelength and direction of the principal spectral component both outside and inside the ice cover. There is a decrease of wavelength at the ice edge, as well as refraction toward the normal and a loss of amplitude. The analysis is complex because the true wave spectrum must be re...

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