
This article presents the identification and evaluation of the impacts generated during the use and disposal of sanitary Pads and menstrual cups. The methodology adopted for the environmental assessment is based on the Conesa methodology [4]. Likewise, to determine the environmental significance based on the evidence or probability of occurrence, laboratory analyses were conducted to evaluate some physicochemical parameters to two human menstrual blood samples and the amount of solid waste generated by the use of each was determined for each one of these products taking into account a population sample. As a result, the quality of the disposed liquid waste was determined; that is, menstrual blood, and possible impacts were identified on the biotic, abiotic, and socio-economic media, which were compared for each one of the products. The most relevant negative impacts were Alteration of the local economy present in the activity called disposal of sanitary pads’ solid waste and customs present in the activity called the use of menstrual cups.

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