
This chapter examines a training programme on supervision of supervisory practice (SOSp) as a method by which a safe space is promoted to facilitate the development of critical reflection in supervisory practice. This chapter will begin with discussing the place for critical reflection in social work and supervisory practice, followed by considering how critical conversations could take place through the use of a reflecting team for a SOSp training programme. The documentation of the reflective process of a SOSp training is necessary since there is a dearth of understanding of this practice area. More importantly, this chapter will highlight how critical reflection, knowledge building and social change in and around social work are dependent on supervisors who can provide a space to facilitate the reflective process. The use of the reflecting team during supervision thus presents a crucial space to cultivate critical reflection amongst social workers, as they consider the individual within the larger socio-political context and how the profession continues to be subjected to these influences. It is through critical reflection that the social worker’s role as an advocate for equality and justice could be further advanced.

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