
This study surveys the use of questions in the classroom over a fifty-year period. It reveals that the main trend has been the development of techniques to describe questions used by teachers. The present state of research knowledge deals with the incidence of teachers' questions, the relative frequencies with which various types of questions are asked, and taxonomies describing questions which teachers ask. Suggested contributions which can be made by researchers interested in improving the quality of classroom teaching include development of taxonomies based on the types of questions which should be asked; identification of desired changes in student behavior; determination of whether new questioning strategies have the impact on student behavior which is claimed for them; implementation of effective teacher-training programs in the strategy and use of questioning techniques; and the fostering of inservice training programs in questioning skills. (See related document CS 000 186.) (Several pages may be light.) (Author/TO) TEACHER EDUCATION DIVISION U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG INATING II POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY PUBLICATION SERIES FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY THE USE OF QUESTIONS IN TEACHING

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