
Abstract The majority of previous studies on the prevalence and impact of family violence focus on male-to-female perpetration. However, in India, studies have found that a frequent perpetrator of violence against a family member is the mother-in-law toward the daughter-in-law. Little is known about the risk factors associated with being a female perpetrator of violence toward intimate partners and family members. This study looked at female participants in India from the International Dating Violence Study 2001–2006 (ICPSR 29583). Of the 73 ever-partnered women, 41.1% reported using physical violence against an intimate partner. The vast majority (90%) of women who reported using physical violence against a partner were also victims of intimate partner violence and were more likely to have had a history of childhood exposures to violence. This has important implications when considering interventions and resources for female victims and perpetrators of family violence. The findings of this study will be ...

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