
In order to control the transmission of covid-19 which entered Indonesia in early 2020, the government implemented health protocol regulations. Apart from health protocols, one of the steps that health workers can implement to control the transmission of covid-19 when providing services during the pandemic is to use personal protective equipment while working. This is the background for the author to study further in research that aims to determine the use of personal protective equipment used by pharmacists and radiographers during the covid-19 pandemic while in service in Kendal District. The research method used was descriptive qualitative by giving questionnaires electronically using google form to research respondents. The research results obtained include, the majority of respondents were female with a percentage of 62%, the health workers who participated as research respondents consisted of 38% pharmacists and 62% radiographers. The use of personal protective equipment used by pharmacists during the covid-19 pandemic includes masks and gloves which are adjusted to the risks of the work activities carried out. The use of personal protective equipment used by radiographers during the covid-19 pandemic includes wearing work clothes according to hospital regulations, surgical isolation gowns, N95 respirators, eye protection, medical gloves, closed shoes, face shields when carrying out medical interventions and tools additional personal protection according to the risks of the work activities carried out. So, it can be concluded that the personal protective equipment used by pharmacists and radiographers in Kendal District while on duty during the covid-19 pandemic has met the elements of compliance requirements in efforts to control the transmission of covid-19, such as the use of personal protective equipment based on indications for their use by considering the risk of exposure and possible transmission dynamics. By implementing appropriate personal protective equipment when working, it is hoped that pharmacists and radiographers in Kendal District can be protected from transmission of covid-19.

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