
This study aimed to determine the relationship between the use of personal protective equipment and the risk of facial pressure injury among nurses in the Raudhah 5 room of Muhammadiyah Hospital Bandung (RSMB). This study is a quantitative correlation study with a cross-sectional research design. The research population is 15 COVID-19 isolation nurses in RSMB with a total sampling technique. Bivariate analysis used is the contingency coefficient correlation test. Nurses that used personal protective equipment or more than 50% had a moderate risk of pressure injury as experienced by ten nurses (66.7%). The correlation coefficient test of personal protective equipment obtained a p-value= 0.537. There is no relationship between the use of personal protective equipment to the risk of facial pressure injury on nurses in RSMB. Nurses who use level 3 of PPE, especially in the facial area, should use dressings to prevent the risk of facial pressure injury.

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