
Musical intelligence is one of the essential aspects that should be given to children. With music, children can easily remember and manipulate patterns of musical forms. Music will primarily affect human life in the form of musical rhythms, musical instruments, and songs. Therefore, to improve musical intelligence in early childhood, an educator must use percussion instruments to improve children's musical intelligence. One way to improve it is to use percussion instruments, where percussion instruments are hit musical instruments found by children in the surrounding environment and can have a positive and educational influence on early childhood. This research was conducted at Raudhatul Atfhal Baitul Umi Pajaresuk Pringsewu in group B1 students. This research is a Classroom Action Research with a descriptive qualitative research type. The formulation of the problem that the author proposes in this study is "Whether the use of percussion musical instruments can increase the musical intelligence of children in group B1 RA Baitul Umi Pajaresuk Pringsewu. The research subjects were 20 students in group B1, while the object of research was early childhood musical intelligence. Based on the research results at RA Baitul Umi Pajaresuk Pringsewu, it can be concluded that using percussion musical instruments can improve children's musical intelligence at RA Baitul Umi Pajaresuk Pringsewu in the 2016-2017 school year with excellent results. This can be seen from the musical intelligence of students where in the pre-cycle of research, it can be seen that students who achieve very well development do not exist from all students totaling 20 students. Then in cycle I, students with perfect musical intelligence improvement still have not shown results. And in cycle II, it increased again to 1 learner or 80% of learners who had reached the predetermined assessment standards.

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