
Within the context of the Project on Learning (a 3-year research project under the direction of Professor Graham Nuthall), each of the authors of this paper participated in a series of classroom-based studies focussing on the experience of Years 5 and 6 students. The use of the extensive methodology, comprising audio- and video-recorded observations, pre- and post-tests, 15-s interval observations by the researchers, and extensive interviews with the students and teachers, enabled the authors to record, in detail, the unique ways that individual students experience the classroom. O’Toole's specific focus was on the emotional experience of individual children during classroom activities. Collins focused on teacher behaviour and the individual experience of children as they engaged in classroom activities. Exemplars from their doctoral research illustrate how the methodology affords a rare and comprehensive look into the world of the children, their own role in their learning, and their perceptions of the classroom experience. Implications of the findings for teaching and learning will be discussed.

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