
The main therapy on musculoskeletal patients is the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) either as monotherapy or in combination with drugs of the same class or pain relievers from other groups. The use of more than one drugs have potentially caused drug-drug interactions that can affect to patient. This study was aimed to describe the patient's sociodemographic (sex, ages) and clinical (numbers of drugs, type of drugs and diagnose) characteristics, as well as to find the correlation between potential drug interactions with these variables. This research was a quantitative study with a cross sectional design. Data were taken from 100 medical records of patients who had diagnosed with top five musculoskeletal diseases. Data were analyzed descriptively for sex, ages, number of drugs, type of drugs, and potential drug interactions. Bivariate correlation with chi-square were conducted to find statistically significancy potential drug interactions with each variable consist of sex, ages, type of drugs and it’s diagnose. The result shows that the musculoskeletal patients were 44% male, 56% female. Most musculoskeletal patients were aged 18-65 years (78%). Patients who received drugs <5 were 68% and ≥ 5 were 32%. 54% of patients were taking the diclofenac and only 5% of patients were taking the two NSAIDs combination, diclofenac and ibuprofen. There was no significant correlation (p > 0,05) between potential drug interactions with age, sex, type of NSAID, and type of musculosceletal diseases.


  • Penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal meliputi bagian tulang, sendi, otot, tulang belakang, dan jaringan lain seperti tendon dan ligamen

  • The main therapy on musculoskeletal patients is the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

  • This research was a quantitative study with a cross sectional design

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Penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal meliputi bagian tulang, sendi, otot, tulang belakang, dan jaringan lain seperti tendon dan ligamen. Penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal mulai dari yang bersifat akut, seperti patah tulang, keseleo dan ketegangan otot serta yang bersifat kronis yaitu nyeri dan kecacatan yang berlangsung lama. Penyakit muskuloskeletal yang paling umum dengan tingkat disabilitas yang tinggi adalah osteoarthritis, nyeri punggung dan leher, patah tulang yang berhubungan dengan kerapuhan tulang, cedera dan kondisi peradangan sistemik seperti rheumatoid arthritis[1]. Interaksi antara NSAID (anti-inflamasi nonsteroid) dengan obat lain terjadi lebih sering dikarenakan NSAID adalah salah satu obat yang paling banyak digunakan. Interaksi ini ada yang berdampak tidak signifikan pada outcome klinik, tetapi ada juga yang memberikan dampak serius/membahayakan nyawa, khususnya pada obat-obat dengan jendela terapi sempit pada penyakit dengan tingkat keseriusan tinggi, seperti oral antikoagulan, glikosida, antiaritmia, antikonvulsan, dan sitotoksik[7]. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara potensi interaksi obat NSAID dengan variable usia, jenis kelamin, jenis NSAID, dan jenis diagnosa muskuloskeletal

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