
The purpose of the study is to review the current situation in the forestry sector, as well as to identify and accomplish tasks that could change the situation in this area.It focuses on the disclosure of operation principleof the multi-agent approach, as well as the identification of problem areas in forestry.The scientific novelty comes down to a promising direction in forestry that reduces the processing time of incoming information since the multi-agent approach gives a parallel process of assessing data that retrieved by an unmanned vehicle. In addition, the approach simplifies the structure of the agent’s algorithm. With that research, the technology of operation of multi-agent systems was disclosed, and examples of the application of this approach in production were presented. It is emphasized that the use of unmanned aerial vehicles with a multi-agent approach to recognition of terrain in the field of forestry will improve the quality of the data obtained, increase the amount of information received and processed, and increase the reliability of this process. The main advantages of the proposed approach are minimal control during remote use, forest resource taxation and analysis of the terrain for emergency situations.

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