
Introduction. New requirements are put forward for the organization of educational process, and improving the quality of training of graduates. Purpose setting. Therefore, teachers are faced with the need to apply modular-rating training technology which instantly reacts to changes in the situation in the labor market and can adjust the specialist model. It is democratic in its principles, content, and organization of the educational process. Modular-rating technology provides individualization of educational programs and the ways of their assimilation depending on the abilities and interests of students. Methodology of the study. The authors carried out modular structuring of the “Mathematics” course; methodological support (tests, individual tasks, etc.) of the modular-rating program was developed. A special role in the technology of modular-rating education is assigned to control over the knowledge of students, the authors used current, midterm and fi control. The quality of knowledge and skills of students in mastering the module was determined by various control methods: oral and written survey, control work, individual task, calculate and graphic work, etc. In addition, a testing method was used. To assess the effectiveness of student educational activities, a rating is used which is determined by points set in a selected unifi scale with a clear gradation of the level of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities. The rating is formed during the entire period of the student training. Results. In modern conditions, higher education is faced with the tasks of forming a specialist with stable incentives for further professional self-improvement, activation and development of student cognitive abilities, differentiation of training content and individualization of pedagogical infl in accordance with the level of student training. Conclusion. The authors conclude that one of the effective ways to solve these problems is to train students according to the modular-rating system.

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