
In this technological and digital era, web-based technology seems to be indispensable in all domains. Without any hesitation, one can say that man is addicted to technology and it is evident that he/she cannot survive without using the available technology now. Apparently, the use of technology in the field of education, especially in EFL/ESL classrooms, is significant and it makes the teaching-learning process more effective and flexible. In this regard, the English language teachers need to welcome or embrace the latest and innovative technologies into their classrooms, as it is essential for learners, to prepare them to make use of the available technology and make their learning environment more attractive, interesting and lively. At this juncture, the usage of mobile phones or smart phones is focused because it enhances the learners ’learning skills as well as solving their problems, related to their courses, instantly in the classrooms. Moreover, the learners ’confidence immensely increases in this process so that they try to learn the things comprehensively in their classrooms and also get valuable information regarding the topic that they learn from their teachers. Hence, the English language teachers should always encourage their learners positively to use mobile phones or smart phones in their classrooms to make teaching-learning process a fruitful one. This paper brings out the significance of technology that is useful for both the teachers and the learners. This paper also discusses the necessity of using mobile phones in the English classrooms in a detailed way. Moreover, it expounds the benefits of using these mobile phones in the EFL/ESL classrooms thoroughly and it also emphasizes the impact of these mobile apps on both the leaners and the teachers. Finally, some useful suggestions are given for the teachers to implement novel techniques in their English classrooms and also for the learners to develop their learning skills in and outside the English classrooms with the help of the technology available now.

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