
This study provides information on microcomputer resources scatter and reveals some of the uses in Nigerian libraries. Data collection was by structured questionnaire and follow-up interview. Of the 157 questionnaires sent out, 53% useable returns were recorded. The returns scatter covered twenty of the then twenty-one states in the Federation. Results revealed that on the average, one out of every two libraries has a microcomputer in Nigeria. The total of 43 microcomputers in Nigerian libraries is spread over 22 such centres. A few libraries have computerised some traditional functions such as cataloguing and indexing. Computers are used mostly for administrative functions such as word process ing. IBM and its compatibles, and Epson brands have been more popular in the spread of microcomputers and printers in Nigeria. Recommendations emanating from the study include Aca demic libraries need not wait until they acquire minis or mainframe computers before they computerise. Using a net work of microcomputers with a super microcomputer as a server can be very useful. The running cost of such a system can be sustained by an average budget. Research libraries that give in-depth and useful service to their patrons have been more successful in their automation projects. To remain rele vant in the scheme of things, research libraries must continue to rely on computer power to enable them to provide useful services. Public libraries in developing economies should move with the times and improve their services by providing pack aged and simplified research results on health, agriculture and socio-economics for true development among the grass- root people they serve. To be able to carry this out effectively, they would certainly need the services of computers. IBM microcomputers and their compatibles have come to stay Libraries should consider acquiring these for their automation projects. Networking them is the in-thing now—a better op tion than acquiring a mini or a mainframe computer. Libraries automating their services should seek advice from other li braries that have automated at every stage of their computeri sation projects in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes and waste of scarce funds.

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