
This paper shows that monitoring campaigns in association withmodelling, particularly detailed roadside modelling, are auseful and cost effective method of assessing air quality. Itproposes that an approach based on detailed monitoringassociated with concurrent meteorological data can be used incombination with a roadside model to assess concentrations at other locations near a road and in other weather conditions. Plans for improving air quality can also be assessed in simpleways. The need for complex models based on detailed emissioninventories is avoided.Two examples from streets in London and Paris are presented inwhich measurements of CO, NOx and volatile organic compoundshave been made. The measurements are interpreted usingcorrelations between pollutant concentrations and with windspeed, and by using the USEPA CALINE4 model. It is demonstratedthat air quality measurements can be used to assess the validityof road traffic emission factors.

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