
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of fish oil use the combinations of against_nutritional value infant biscuits which confectionery meet the standards of omega 3 and omega 6 (1 : 5) according to WHO standards and ISO 01-7111.2-2005. The combination of fish oil used from belly fat " Jambal " fish (Pangasius hypophtalmus) and Grouper (Cromileptes sp). The design experiment used by complete random design (RAL). The treatment attempting is a combination of fish oil use belly fat making infant biscuits: M0 (0 mL fish oil), M1 (7 ml fish oil), M2 (14 ml fish oil), and M3 (21 ml fish oil. The results of the analysis of the nutritional value biscuits are generated compared with quality terms SNI (Indonesia National Standard) 01-7111.2-2005 infant biscuits. Based on the findings of research it was known that treatment which is the best fish oil use for a combination of 21_ml of water contents of 4.42% (standard maximum of 5%), 10.88% protein (the minimum standard of 6%), fat 13.74% (minimum standard 6%), carbohydrates 69.91% (standard maximum of 70%), ash 2.15% (standard maximum 3.5%), and the ratio of omega 3 : omega 6 is 1 : 4.3.

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