
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to analyze innovative technologies used in foreign language classes and identify their advantages over traditional forms of education, as well as systematize their key features: practice-oriented nature, focus on joint activities of the teacher and the student, activation of the search, creative and research position of students. In the modern world, the ability to operate with lexical units and knowledge of grammatical rules are the basis for foreign language communication. Effective mastering of these skills is possible only through the use of innovative technologies in the classroom, which make it possible to enrich the content of learning, make it logical and interactive, as well as stimulate students’ interest in learning a language.
 Methodology. In the course of the research, such methods as analysis and generalization of scientific sources, verbal and communicative methods, pedagogical observation, study of program documentation and experiment were used.
 Results. The introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process contributes to the activation of students’ cognitive interest, the formation of foreign-language professional communicative competence at the university, as well as provides access to various information resources and various educational events.
 Practical implications. The results of the study can be applied to foreign language classes in many higher educational institutions to develop the intellectual and creative abilities of students, to increase the level of proficiency in a foreign language and stimulate interest in its further study.

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