
The current state of mathematical literacy and culture of future managers demands to be better, because effective management envisages the ability to analyze, logically think, mathematically calculate economic indicators. However, as a rule, mathematical disciplines are studied by future managers only in the first year, the vast majority of hours are allocated for independent learning activities. The process of reforming the education system is aimed at solving of two problems: the development of independent activity and the integration of new information technologies into the educational process. The purpose of the article is determination and theoretical justification of the appropriate use of ICT in the process of studying mathematical disciplines for future managers. Using the methods of observation, natural experiment and self-observation to the first year of study future managers students, we have identified the following performance indicators of students, such as: the tempo of work, the speed of work, the accuracy of solving the algorithm of the problem and the signs of creativity in the design of the results, which is a prerequisite for the formation of professional competencies. It should also be noted that the performance indicators we have set considerably increase in the process of using ICT during the mathematical disciplines teaching. However, in the experimental group, the creative approach to the design of the results was significantly worse, since creativity does not like limited time. Instead, in the non-experimental group, the level of creativity was much higher, but the speed was worse, the accuracy of the algorithm was followed. In general, according to the results of the session, the level of knowledge in the experimental group was significantly higher (knowledge quality 80%, unlike 60%). Thus, the use of web quests as one of the most modern interactive pedagogical technologies, which is an example of the integration of ICTs and game teaching methods, in particular business and role-playing games, is a very effective method of training future managers of a new type, which contributes to the formation of a fully developed person, well prepared to work in the conditions of a modern high-tech environment. And it is precisely ICT that helps to optimize the efforts of the teacher-student system by accelerating feedback in the process of performing project tasks and encouraging students to systematically evaluate themselves, thus contributing to the quality assimilation of mathematical knowledge.


  • В цілому за результатами сесії рівень знань в експериментальній групі був значно вищим

  • Використання веб-квестів, як однієї із сучасних інтерактивних педагогічних технологій, що є прикладом інтеграції ІКТ та ігрових методів навчання, зокрема ділових та рольових ігор, є досить ефективним методом підготовки майбутніх менеджерів нового типу, що сприяє формуванню всебічно дової діяльності в умовах сучасного високотехнолорозвиненої особистості, добре підготовленої до тру- гічного середовища

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А тому актуальним є питання використання нових підходів до підготовки майбутніх менеджерів, впровадження нових методик, створення і впровадження сучасних психолого-педагогічних технологій у навчальний процес. Тому поєднання ІКТ з іншими технологіями навчання сприятиме підвищенню якості підготовки майбутніх менеджерів, сприятиме розвитку усіх компетентностей, що притаманні висококваліфікованому фахівцю з управління.

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