
A high-quality investigation of a crime is impossible without the use of technical means and achievements in the field of information technology. The object of the research of this scientific article is the use of information technologies in the investigation and disclosure of crimes, the subject is the patterns of this activity. The purpose of the scientific article is to determine the directions of the use of information technologies in the investigation of crimes, their characteristics, as well as to establish the reasons that slow down this process and identify priority tasks, the solution of which will eliminate these obstacles. When determining the directions of using information technologies in the investigation, the author was guided by the components (aspects) of crime investigation activities (cognitive, certifying, organizational). It is noted that the process of integrating information technologies into the investigation of crimes is a complex construction of a digital system of criminal justice, which will optimize the activities of the investigator by increasing the efficiency of working with information. The methodology of the conducted research is determined by its purpose and objectives. It is based on a systematic approach to the study of the use of information technology in the investigation and disclosure of crimes. The research methodology used when writing a scientific article was implemented using the following methods: structural and substantive analysis of scientific papers devoted to the topic of this study; logical (when presenting all the material, formulating conclusions, suggestions and recommendations); comparative legal (criminal procedure legislation, regulatory legal acts) and other research methods.

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