
Early computer technology in education was largely influenced by the theories of cognitivism and behaviourism, where technology was used to transfer information as if it were a stand-in for the teacher. This shows that students are given information through technology. It is the student's job to learn the information offered by the technology while they study the material provided by the teacher. Studies from across the world frequently discuss how Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) is used. The usage of ICT has been more prevalent over time at all educational levels, from the Asnaf student level to the higher level. The government has allocated such a large amount to cultivate the integration of ICT in preserving education. In connection with that, the primary education level should welcome a noble effort to realize the wishes of this government. In addition, educators should be aware of the latest issues and trends in the use of ICT in primary education to ensure that the handling and use of ICT in the context of primary teaching and learning becomes more effective. The issues and trends discussed in this report are the health and safety of students, infrastructure, competence of educators, the use of ICT as a teaching aid, medium of communication and collaboration with parents. Therefore, the cultivation of the use of ICT in primary education is also discussed and thought to be implemented as further studies.

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