
The use of hydroxy-ethyl starch (HES) has been used in the cord blood banking industry for the separation of blood into its individual components. The focus of this study is to examine whether the use of HES is feasible in obtaining a buffy coat for the use in the construction of platelet gels. Blood was collected from seven canines into anticoagulant citrate dextrose at a ratio of 1:8. A sample of whole blood was used to obtain initial cell counts and a base line Thrombelastograph® (TEG®). 6% Hespan was added to the whole blood and allowed to sediment for 60 minutes. Cell counts and TEG®s were performed on the resulting layers: red blood cells (RBCs), buffy coat (BC), and plasma. The results of this study (see Table 1) suggest that the gravity sedimentation of whole blood with HES can significantly reduce the RBCs in the BC and plasma layers while increasing the platelet count in the plasma layer. These data also suggest that HES does not affect the clotting capabilities of the BC and plasma layers.

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