
The objective of the study is to show that landslide conditioning factors derived from different source data give significantly different relative influences on the weight factors derived with statistical models for landslide susceptibility modelling and risk analysis. The analysis of the input data for large-scale landslide hazard assessment was performed on a study area (20.2 km2) in Hrvatsko Zagorje (Croatia, Europe), an area highly susceptible to sliding with limited geoinformation data, including landslide data. The main advantage of remote sensing technique (i.e., LiDAR, Light Detection and Ranging) data and orthophoto images is that they enable 3D surface models with high precision and spatial resolution that can be used for deriving all input data needed for landslide hazard assessment. The visual interpretation of LiDAR DTM (Digital Terrain Model) morphometric derivatives resulted in a detailed and complete landslide inventory map, which consists of 912 identified and mapped landslides, ranging in size from 3.3 to 13,779 m2. This inventory was used for quantitative analysis of 16 input data layers from 11 different sources to analyse landslide presence in factor classes and thus comparing landslide conditioning factors from available small-scale data with high-resolution LiDAR data and orthophoto images, pointing out the negative influence of small-scale source data. Therefore, it can be concluded that small-scale landslide factor maps derived from publicly available sources should not be used for large-scale analyses because they will result in incorrect assumptions about conditioning factors compared with LiDAR DTM derivative factor maps. Furthermore, high-resolution LiDAR DTM and orthophoto images are optimal input data because they enable derivation of the most commonly used landslide conditioning factors for susceptibility modelling and detailed datasets about elements at risk (i.e., buildings and traffic infrastructure data layers).

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