
Gas chromatography has been used in this laboratory as a screening method to identify and quantitate drugs in the plasma of overdosed patients. The screen takes 2-2½ hr and routinely identifies and quantitates 9 common barbiturates, salicylate, acetylsalicylate, diphenylhydantoin, glutethimide, three tricyclic antidepressants, methaqualone, diazepam, ethanol and methanol. Four samples of plasma are used. The alcohols are estimated without extraction using a column of Poropak Q. Acidic drugs are extracted from acidified plasma, separated into stronly and weakly acidic drugs and identified and quantitated using two columns—one of 10% Apiezon L and one of 3% OV 17. The tricyclic antidepressants are released from their binding sites on plasma proteins and extracted at neutral pH. Both tricyclic antidepressant drugs and alkali-extractable drugs are chromatographed using a column of 3% OV –17. An internal standard is used for each estimation.

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