
The paper considers the possibility of using game elements in the study of medical terminology in Latin and English. Different types of games-exercises are illustrated in the examples. Such requirements for the exercises as novelty, culturological and professional orientation, and providing students in the process of doing exercises-games with necessary non-verbal basis are taken into account.
 It is stressed that practical classes with the use of game technologies and elements of problem-based learning develop and improve students’ skills of independent work, ability of critical thinking and acting in creative and constructive way, of fulfilling tasks given by the teacher, as well as of making adequate individual and collective decisions, and of comprehending the outcomes. A game is supposed to contribute to consolidation of a particular subject, to give examples for illustrating theoretical material visually, and to model some training situations.
 It is noted that interactive methods in teaching professional terminology are the most effective for perfecting students’ skills and abilities, since they perform the following tasks: 1) development of an interest for medicine on the whole and for the future professional activity particularly; 2) increase in the level of understanding and mastering English and Latin; 3) formation of professional competences a future doctor should possess; 4) development of self-dependence – ability to find methods and ways of solving tasks without assistance; 5) ability to hear an opinion of a crewmate, to be loyal and tolerant of someone else’s viewpoint.
 It is emphasized that practical classes with the use of game elements contribute to future doctors’ training activation and effectiveness, alongside with realizing natural aspirations for communication, mutual assistance, and cooperation.

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