
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the use of Game-Based Student Response Systems (GSRS) can increase students’ motivation and engagement to perform better in DFC10103 Operating System course in Polytechnic Ungku Omar. This study was conducted by using a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test groups and survey method is used to obtain the data from the participants. The study group consists of 72 operating system course students (Control Group, 36; Treatment Group, 36). Pre-test was given to both groups in order to assess their current performance in this course. Then, revision was done using the GSRS (Kahoot!, Quizizz and Socrative) for the treatment group while a conventional paper-based revision method was carried out with the control group. A post-test was done after the revision class for both groups. After completing the post-test, questionnaire were distributed to the treatment group. Data is analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science software. The result for post-test shows the treatment group obtained increment in mean percentage as 22.31% compared to control group. The response given by the participants in the questionnaire shows that the application of GSRS during revision week helped them to stay motivated and engaged in their classroom. Therefore, the outcome shows that GSRS can be a promising and innovative tool for educators to engage with their students in creative learning and attractive competition.

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