
A spontaneous loss of the 85- (p85) and 120-MDa (p120) replicons and simultaneous generation of a plasmid of more than 300 MDa were associated with defects in synthesis of O-specific and Calcofluor-binding polysaccharides and had no effect on flagellation and motility of the Azospirillum brasilense Sp245.5 mutant. The plasmid rearrangement was studied by hybridization of DNAs from the wild-type Sp245 strain and the Sp245.5 mutant with p85 and p120 fragments that contained loci involved in formation of the polar (fla) and lateral (laf) flagella, synthesis of O-specific and Calcofluor-binding polysaccharides (lps/cal), swimming (mot), and swarming (swa) of bacteria. Hybridization with the p120 fragments revealed incorporation of the intact fla/swa loci and the altered lps/cal loci into a new megaplasmid. Two EcoRI fragments homologous to the fla/laf/mot/swa loci of p85 were found in A. brasilense Sp245 DNA, whereas only one copy was preserved in the Sp245.5 mutant. Hybridization of the p120 and p85 fragments of Sp245 to the A. brasilense Sp7 DNA for the first time revealed regions of substantial homology to these fragments in the 90- and 115-MDa Sp7 plasmids, respectively.

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