
When developing standards and special shooting exercises for employees of security and convoy police units, it is necessary to take into account the modern practice of using firearms, the specifics and conditions of service by employees of this category. The conditions and circumstances of the use of firearms by police officers are described in detail in the materials of official inspections. Due to the fact that these materials relate to information of limited distribution, it is not possible to analyze them. To determine the probable conditions for the use of firearms by employees of security and convoy police units, we used general scientific research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction. Empirical methods: pedagogical forecasting (questionnaires); mathematical statistics (mathematical and statistical data processing). The problem of the study is determined by the contradiction between the need to study modern conditions for the use of firearms by employees of security and convoy police units to develop practice-oriented standards and special shooting exercises, and the lack of publicly available necessary information about the practice of using firearms by employees of this category. Object of research: professional activity of employees of security and convoy police units related to the use of firearms. Subject of the study: conditions for the use of firearms by employees of security and convoy units of the police. The results of this study will allow us to determine the characteristic technical and technical-tactical actions with firearms necessary for the development of practice-oriented standards and special shooting exercises for employees of security and convoy police units.

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