
Using remote sensing data in predicting rice productivity can provide information quickly and easily for relatively large areas. Harau District is a rice center in Lima Puluh Kota Regency and is one of the many rice-producing areas in West Sumatra Province. This study aims to determine a mathematical model to estimate rice productivity in Harau District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, using the EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) algorithm. This study used two methods, field observation and MODIS image data processing (MOD13A1 v006). The results of the analysis obtained a mathematical model to predict rice productivity in Harau District, namely y = 5393.3x4 - 8140.7x3 + 4518.9x2 - 1121.6x + 113.55 where y is the productivity value (tons/ha) and x as the EVI value. The percentage of errors in observation and estimation data was 15.284%, and the results of the observation and estimation data validation test (NSE) were 0.734, a good category.

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