
The safe margin of eugenol for sedation of the healthy post larvae (PL) of white Indian shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) was determined by estimating the median lethal concentration of eugenol during 24 hours (24hLC50). Sedation concentration of eugenol was obtained experimentally by considering behavioral factors of PLs such as response to indirect stimuli and changes in water quality parameters. Applying the estimated concentrations of eugenol for 12 hours transportation of PLs, biometric parameters of sedated animals were compared with the control after 96 hours post transportation at P<0.05. The 24hLC50 of eugenol for experimental PLs was found to be 5.2 mg/l with minimum confidence limit of 5.0 mg/L and maximum confidence limit of 5.3 mg/L. The sedation concentrations for PLs varied from a minimum level of 1.3 mg/L to a maximum level of 3.7 mg/L. During 24 hours sedation, significant reductions were found in the oxygen consumption of PLs where as no significant changes occurred in their ammonia secretion. There was no change in biometric parameters in sedated animals after 12 hours transportation. The results indicate that eugenol can be used as a sedative during transportation of PLs of F. indicus and concentration of 1.3 mg/L considered is safe which showed the lowest induction of bottom sitting.

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