
The use of space maintainers in deciduous and mixed dentition is of significant importance as it helps prevent the development of malocclusions, including those resulting from early tooth loss, by preserving the necessary space for the eruption of permanent teeth. This study aims to report a clinical case of a 10-year-old female patient. The patient presented at the Pediatric Dental Clinic of the School of Dentistry at UFAM with the main complaint of dissatisfaction with her smile. During the anamnesis, the mother reported trauma to elements 51 and 61, and the clinical examination revealed prolonged retention of these elements and malocclusion. After the extraction of the retained elements due to delayed eruption of permanent teeth, the fabrication of a space maintainer appliance was indicated for esthetic and preventive purposes. A Hawley Plate was used for this purpose, and an acrylic tooth was added for esthetic purposes. After a 5-month period of appliance use, the central and lateral incisors erupted naturally in the mouth. This treatment approach resulted in the maintenance of the upper arch perimeter, providing the necessary space for permanent teeth to erupt, thereby preventing dental inclinations and space loss, avoiding the onset of deleterious oral and parafunctional habits, future complex malocclusions, and ensuring the patient’s aesthetic well-being.

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