
The study aimed to evaluate the immediate results of the use of electret in the surgical treatment of children with Perthes disease.
 Material and Methods. The study was based on the results of a comprehensive examination of 10 patients (10 hip joints; average age, 7.20.7 years). To stabilize the joint and comply with the principle of containment therapy, all children underwent triple pelvic osteotomy, which was supplemented by a transphyseal implantation electret. Postoperatively, all patients were evaluated for the severity of pain syndrome and amplitude of movements and underwent ultrasonography, radiometry of the main indicators of the structure and stability of the hip joint, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging of the hip joints.
 Results. The visual analog scale questionnaire indicated the presence of a moderately pronounced pain syndrome on postoperative day 3, with its complete relief by day 7. Ultrasound studies showed the absence of synovitis, and goniometry revealed the achievement of physiological indicators of flexion and abduction to the end of the hospitalization period. According to the radiation methods, all patients had elimination of subluxation with the restoration of hip joint stability and a significant improvement in the shape of the femoral head with the appearance of its single bone contour. The volume of the bone part of the femoral head increased by 15%35% from the original, and there was a significant improvement in the shape of the cartilaginous model with the complete absence of a necrosis focus in the femoral head, close to the physiological position of the labrum acetabulum.
 Conclusion. The use of electret in the surgical treatment of children with Perthes disease in Catterall groups IIIIV and hip subluxation due to the anti-inflammatory effect makes it possible to alleviate pain syndrome and manifestations of synovitis early after surgery and to begin rehabilitation treatment with the achievement of the physiological amplitude of movements in the hip joint in the immediate postoperative period. The osteoreparative effect of the electrostatic electret field alone or in combination with anti-inflammatory treatment increased the volume of the newly formed bone tissues of the femoral head with a decrease in the area of its defect or disappearance of compression of the central part of the epiphysis with the differentiation of the initial elements of the trabecular pattern, in comparison with the homogeneous high-intensity structure of the femoral head.

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