
The use of techniques and strategies is instrumental in teaching different language skills to physically and mentally healthy learners; however, the importance of devising special techniques and strategies to teach dyslexic learners cannot be denied in English as Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. Dyslexic learners have difficulties particularly in the recognition of words and putting them into writing. Based on the review of previous works and contexts, the present study aims at implementing the two strategies, i.e., multisensory and chunking, to improve Saudi EFL dyslexic learners’ writing skills. The work utilized a qualitative method to collect the data from the participants, i.e., four EFL teachers. Structured interviews were conducted with four EFL teachers from the ‘Alkhamisah Ashrah’ primary school to collect the data and apply the strategies, i.e., multisensory and chunking, to dyslexic learners and see their impacts on dyslexic learners’ writing skill. The study was conducted to develop awareness among parents and society at large about the learning difficulties and needs of dyslexic learners. In addition to this, the study aims to draw the attention of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions, researchers, and pedagogues to measure the academic needs of Saudi EFL dyslexic learners by devising different strategies. Furthermore, the study provides recommendations for the establishment of special schools, infrastructural facilities, well trained teachers, a rubric of strategies, special curriculum, and syllabus to meet the academic needs and enhance comprehension and writing abilities of Saudi EFL dyslexic learners.

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