
Introduction. To increase the effectiveness of social and hygienic monitoring of the health status of workers in harmful and/or dangerous occupation conditions by objectifying the analysis of the health status of workers and timely detection of premorbid forms of pathology, an informational medical advisory and diagnostic system is proposed that ensures the efficiency of using the previously developed methodological recommendations MR “Assessment of the risk of developing states of distress in workers in harmful working conditions”. Materials and methods. The design of the developed computer program is based on the principles of critical assessment of the employee’s health status; multiparametric characteristics of the functional reserves of the body; unity of the information base; the possibility of dynamic monitoring of the health status of employees; automation of data storage and analysis; protection of personal data. Results. The method used by the information system is based on a comprehensive assessment of the functional reserves of the body, correlated by the degree of adaptive stress, including the ranking of the employee health status according to the group of dispensary records, the indicator of adaptive compliance and the level of adaptive immunity. To facilitate the operator’s information support system integrated the List of harmful and (or) hazardous occupation factors, the presence of which is a mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys) and reference weight values, heart rate and blood pressure corresponding to the physiological norm concerning gender and age of the employee. Conclusion. The proposed information system can be used during periodic medical examinations to form risk groups for the development of occupational and production-related morbidity, as well as to assess the effectiveness of hygienic and therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at improving the health of workers in harmful occupation conditions.

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