
The article examines issues related to road freight transportation and their place in the overall logistics system. The role of the transport and logistics system is determined not only by its economic indicators, but also by its ability to influence other types of activity. At the same time, a considerable list of problems was formed in the transport and logistics system, without the solution of which the effective functioning of business entities is impossible. Based on the analysis of the current situation in the economy and the conditions of application of the modern logistics system, the need to improve the logistics process using IT technologies was revealed. For the more effective development of such branches of the economy as industry and trade, the authors of the article provide possible options for using automatic identification technologies in transport and logistics systems in order to increase the efficiency of road transport and the main indicators of the efficiency of the entire technological process. The process of applying automatic identification was also considered and recommendations were given taking into account the specifics of their application at each link of the supply chain (production, road transport, warehouse or trading company). In connection with the acute need for typical technological solutions and the lack of uniform standards, the Rules for the work of participants in the supply chain using radio frequency identification have been developed. The classification and recommendations of sounding the signal of the hundredth level when using radio frequency identification are given. In addition, recommendations for the use and configuration of RFID transponders are presented depending on the properties of the cargo, the size of the cargo unit and the way they are stacked. The article briefly presents the possible advantages of improving the functioning of road freight transport in logistics systems using automatic identification.

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