
The objective of this study was to reveal the usefulness of image processing and machine learning for the non-destructive evaluation of the changes in mint leaves caused by two natural drying techniques. The effects of shade drying and open-air sun drying on the ventral side (upper surface) and dorsal side (lower surface) of leaves were compared. Texture parameters were extracted from the digital color images converted to color channels R, G, B, L, a, b, X, Y, and Z. Models based on image features selected for individual color channels were built for distinguishing mint leaves in terms of drying techniques and leaf side using machine learning algorithms from groups of Lazy, Rules, and Trees. In the case of classification of the images of the ventral side of fresh and shade-dried mint leaves, an average accuracy of 100% and values of Precision, Recall, F-Measure, and MCC of 1.000 were obtained for color channels B (KStar and J48 machine learning algorithms), a (KStar and J48), b (KStar), and Y (KStar). The effect of open-air sun drying was greater. Images of the ventral side of fresh and open-air sun-dried mint leaves were completely correctly distinguished (100% correctness) for more color channels and algorithms, such as color channels R and G (J48), B, a and b (KStar, JRip, and J48), and X and Y (KStar). The classification of the images of the dorsal side of fresh and shade-dried mint leaves provided 100% accuracy in the case of color channel B (KStar) and a (KStar, JRip, and J48). The fresh and open-air sun-dried mint leaves imaged on the dorsal side were correctly classified at an accuracy of 100% for selected textures from color channels a (KStar, JRip, J48), b (J48), and Z (J48). The developed approach may be used in practice to monitor the changes in the structure of mint leaves caused by drying in a non-destructive, objective, cost-effective, and fast manner without the need to damage the leaves.

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