
Cytodex 3 microcarriers were used for the production of an active nerve growth promoting factor from chicken heart cells. Such cells release into their culture medium a substance which stimulates the growth of nerve fibres from explanted ciliary, spinal and sympathetic neurons. In addition, culture in serum-free medium reduces the presence of contaminating proteins and facilitates biochemical analysis of this factor. A mixture of DME/FIO was supplemented with either 10% FCS, or a low molecular weight fraction of FCS, or different hormones and growth factors. Cells cultured in media supplemented with insulin, transferrin, human serum albumin and fibronectin in combination with 10% FCS-dialysate or a mixture of FGF, EGF, dexamethasone, calmodulin and thrombin progressed through the cell cycle with kinetics similar to those obtained with 10% FCS. Maximum amount of cells in (S+G2) phase was obtained after 18–20 hrs. The cells proliferated on Cytodex 3 at a rate similar to cells grown on cell culture plastic. The results confirm the potential of microcarrier cell culture in serum-free media for scaling up the high yield production of a specific cell product.KeywordsHuman Serum AlbuminChicken EmbryoSympathetic NeuronHeart CellHigh Yield ProductionThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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