
The paper presents testing results of feeding dry cows and horses with cryo-feed, preserved by using natural techniques, at winter grazing (tebenevka). Research into digestibility of nutrition substances of cow ration was carried out on 30 cows of Sirrrmental breed divided into three groups (control and two experimental ones, whose ration included 4 and 1.5 kg of cryo-feed respectively). The introduction of cryo-feed in the ration of cows increased the level of metabolizable energy and had a positive impact on the efficiency of energy metabolism. Cows of the 1 st experimental group, where cryo-feed accounted for 12% of the nutrition ration, showed 5.8% higher protein digestibility than the control group. Feeding cows with cryo-feed in the dry period contributed to the maintenance of reproductive qualities. The percentage of fertilization of cows was 90-100%. It was established that feeding horses on cryo-feed significantly increased their nutritional level at tebenevka in the winter time and fully met the need of animals in feeding elements. This marked a high horse feeding capacity per 1 ha of cryo-feed, which amounted to 129-142 horse days. The advantage in organic matter digestibility at tebenevka on cryo-feed accounted for 11.9%, dry matter - 10.48%, crude protein - 18.3%, crude fiber- 21.9%, crude fat - 13.3%, and nitrogen-free extractive substances - 11.7%. The energy supply of a horse organism per 100 kg of live weight was 32.6 MJ, which exceeded the norm by 14.5%. Better digestibility of nutrients of winter-green mass of oats compared to the grass stand was due to the high content of carotene and provitamin Е in plants preserved on the root by natural cold. During the study it was established that the actual foal crop increased by 12-14% at tebenevka with horses on cryo-feed compared to traditional technology.


  • For citation: Ivanov R.V., Nikolaeva N.А, Hompodoeva U.V., Borisova P.P

  • Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest

  • Research into digestibility of nutrition substances of cow ration was carried out on 30 cows of Simmental breed divided into three groups

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Иванов Р.В., Николаева Н.А., Хомподоева У.В., Борисова П.П. Якутский научно-исследовательский институт сельского хозяйства им. Представлены результаты испытаний в Республике Саха эффективности скармливания сухостойным коровам и лошадям при тебеневке криокорма, законсервированного естественным образом. Исследования переваримости питательных веществ рациона коров проведены на 30 коровах симментальской породы, разделенных на три группы (контрольная и две опытные, в рацион которых вводили 4 и 1,5 кг криокорма соответственно). Cows of the 1st experimental group, where cryo-feed accounted for 12% of the nutrition ration, showed 5.8% higher protein digestibility than the control group. It was established that feeding horses on cryo-feed significantly increased their nutritional level at tebenevka in the winter time and fully met the need of animals in feeding elements. This marked a high horse feeding capacity per 1 ha of cryo-feed, which amounted to 129-142 horse days. Better digestibility of nutrients of winter-green mass of oats compared to the grass stand was due to the high content of

Использование криокорма в рационах молочных коров и табунных лошадей Якутии
Животноводство и ветеринария
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Органическое вещество Сухое вещество Сырой протеин Сырая клетчатка Сырой жир БЭВ
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