
The article provides a detailed overview of the development of corpus linguistics applied to Russian language and a review of the most significant Italian and Belarusian publications on the use of corpora for the descriptive analysis of the Russian language and the teaching of Russian as LS. In this panorama, the author emphasises the innovative character and potential that the Ru_Seah corpus constitutes both on the Russian corpus linguistics front and for teaching Russian as a foreign language. The paper considers the experience of creating a professionally oriented Russian-language text corpus for students of Architecture and Construction using the Sketch Engine corpus manager as part of the SEAH project. It describes the aims and objectives of the project and the approach to the selection of material for the corpus. The paper explains the balance of the corpus, the inclusion of texts of different genres and styles in the corpus. It also deals with the elements of the search engine in relation to the annotation of the text corpus. The structure of educational modules compiled using the SEAH linguistic corpus is considered.

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