
X-ray fluorescence microscopy was applied for two-dimensional elemental analysis of substantia nigra (SN) tissue. The samples representing Parkinson’s disease (PD) and control cases were examined at HASYLAB beamline L and at ESRF beamline ID22. Two-dimensional mapping of P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se and Br was done with the spatial resolution of 15 and 5 μm. The masses per unit area of elements in neuromelanin reach nerve cells of SN were determined. The elemental data were processed using two multivariate techniques, namely cluster and discriminant analysis. The statistical methods were used for data reduction, both unsupervised and supervised classification as well as for the creation of a model that would simplify case identification based on the elemental analysis of SN tissue. The results of cluster analysis confirmed the statistical significance of the differences in elemental composition of PD and control SN nerve cells. Based on the results of discriminant analysis, the elements (P, Cl, Fe, Cu and Zn) that played the greatest role in the process of differentiation between neurons from examined groups were determined.

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