
Saline infusion sonohysterography is one of the recent refinements of ultrasonography that has the ability to enhance imaging of the uterine cavity in a safe, inexpensive and expedient manner. The technique can be difficult in women with a stenotic cervical os. This report describes a single-pass technique using chorionic villus sampling (CVS) catheters for saline infusion sonohysterography. Saline infusion sonohysterography requires the transcervical passage of a catheter, through which saline is infused. The subsequent distension of the uterine cavity enhances the ability to detect intrauterine pathology with ultrasonography. In women with cervical stenosis, a catheter can be used in place of the more conventional two-pass technique, which requires the use of a uterine sound or probe followed by a conventional catheter. We have used CVS catheters in women with cervical stenosis on 12 occasions. All have been successful and without significant discomfort to the patient. The use of CVS catheters for saline infusion sonohysterography in women with cervical stenosis can alleviate the need to remove the cervical probe prior to introduction of the catheter.

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