
Children from families of ATO participants and internally displaced persons are extremely psychologically susceptible. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with an emotionally comfortable environment for education and development, to promote the restoration of emotional stability and equilibrium. A lullaby is an effective ethno-cultural tool to overcome disturbing feelings that often cover a child of preschool age, creating an atmosphere of love, tenderness, cosiness and calm in the process of her education and development. With the help of amusements, tricks, humorous songs, an educator can create a relaxed and positive atmosphere and, accordingly, accelerate the process of re-socialization of children of these categories in new conditions or circumstances, to organize a comfortable environment for the restoration of their emotional balance. To overcome the negative consequences of children psychotraumatic situations, the elimination of a state of internal tension, emotional anxiety and the subsequent formation of emotional state of internal balance, vivacity, it is recommended to use song-fairy tales. Fables are considered to be an additional ethno-cultural tool for creating a relaxed communicative environment, overcoming the depressed emotional state of children from the families of ATO participants and internally displaced persons.

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