
In the past twelve years the treatment of all types of syphilis at the University of Chicago Clinics has been planned with the use of much more bismuth than has usually been considered as standard or optimum treatment. In this report we wish to evaluate the results of such treatment of early syphilis, asymptomatic neurosyphilis and tabes dorsalis over a ten year period and compare these results, as far as possible, with corresponding data from the Cooperative Clinical Group studies. PRESENT DAY STATUS OF BISMUTH IN SYPHILOTHERAPY Since Sazerac and Levaditi 1 in 1921 first popularized bismuth as an antisyphilitic drug, it has gone through much the same cycle as was previously traversed by the roentgen ray and arsphenamine and as we have recently seen carried out with sulfanilamide. There was first a period of overoptimism, especially on the part of some members of the French school who hailed bismuth

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