
Relevance. The article provides a substantiation of the economic efficiency of the use of biologically active additives that improve the bioavailability of nutrients in compound feeds in the diets of meat-producing turkeys and increase the yield of competitive high-quality products. Among the most effective biogenic preparations that have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body of poultry, there is a biogenic growth stimulator — succinic acid. The inclusion of this preparation in a complete feed at different age periods of growing turkey poults has a significant effect on the feed intake and conversion. Methods: scientific and economic experience on the use of succinic acid when growing turkeys. Results . The article presents the results of a research to study the effect of adding succinic acid during the period of growing in feed on the indicators of meat productivity of turkey poults and thus increasing the efficiency of its production. It was found that the maximum slaughter yield for both half-gutted and gutted carcasses in group 2 turkeys that received 0.02 g/kg succinic acid was, respectively, 80.4% and 60.2%, which is 2.5% and 2.4% higher than in the control, respectively. In terms of meat productivity, poultry raised on the basis of the addition of succinic acid to feed has advantages over the control group (without the use of the drug), as well as in biological and nutritional additional costs for succinic acid, the cost of meat in the experimental groups was lower than in the control due to higher productivity.


  • It was found that the maximum slaughter yield for both half-gutted and gutted carcasses in group 2 turkeys that received 0.02 g/kg succinic acid was, respectively, 80.4% and 60.2%, which is 2.5% and 2.4% higher than in the control, respectively

  • In terms of meat productivity, poultry raised on the basis of the addition of succinic acid to feed has advantages over the control group, as well as in biological and nutritional additional costs for succinic acid, the cost of meat in the experimental groups was lower than in the control due to higher productivity

  • A. Cluster approach in the organization of vertically integrated structures of the regional agroindustrial complex The Journal of Social Sciences Research

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Конфликт интересов отсутствует

Методы: научно-хозяйственный опыт по использованию янтарной кислоты при выращивании индеек. В статье представлены результаты исследования по изучению влияния добавки янтарной кислоты в период выращивания в корм на показатели мясной продуктивности индюшат и повышению, таким образом, эффективности его производства. Установлено, что максимальный показатель убойного выхода как по полупотрошенной, так и потрошеной тушке у индеек 2-й группы, получавшей 0,02 г/кг янтарной кислоты, соответственно 80,4% и 60,2%, что выше контроля на 2,5% и 2,4% соответственно. По показателям мясной продуктивности птица, выращенная на основе добавки янтарной кислоты в корм, имеет преимущества по сравнению с контрольной группой (без использования препарата), а также по биологической и пищевой ценности мяса индеек. For citation: Nikitin A.V., Gagloyev A.Ch., Negreeva A.N., Zavyalova V.G., Gagloeva T.N. The use of biogenic growth stimulants to increase the economic efficiency of turkey meat production.

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