
In 3-dimensional treatment planning, beam's eye view (BEV) is used as an interactive tool to define portal entry angles that exclude critical structures while fully encompassing the target volume. With beam's eye view volumetrics (BEV volumetrics), the volume of intersected normal tissues is also calculated and is used as a quantitative tool to choose portal orientations that minimize normal tissue volumes irradiated. The axial beam entry angle and a polar angle (relative to the patient longitudinal axis) are specified to define the central axis orientation. Using BEV volumetrics, we have studied the quantities of normal tissues irradiated when treating tumors in the abdomen, thorax, and pelvis. The reduction of normal tissue irradiated is a strong function of site and patient-specific tumor size and location. Volumetrics combined with BEV is found to be useful in treatment planning because it (a) provides quantitative information needed in rationally choosing portal entry angles, (b) provides a near interactive speed approach to understanding the relative merits of different multiple field plans, and (c) compliments the information provided by the more time-consuming generation of dose volume histograms.

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