
The Use of Anthropometric and Skill Data to Identify Talented Adolescent Team Handball Athletes Athanasios Palamas, Ilias Zapartidis, Zacharo Kotsampoui kidou, Lamprina Tsakalou, Petros Natsis, Dimitrios Kokaridas Abstract Objectives: The purpose of this study was to detect differences between selected and unselected young handball athletes following a talent selection program, and to identify those characteristics that could predict young athletes’ selection in such programs. Methods: The sample consisted of 129 male young players all invited to train in youth pro-selection groups. Variables included height, body mass, body mass index, 30m running speed, standing long jump, hand grip strength, ball velocity, flexibility, agility with 5-0-5 test, and a shuttle run test. Statistics included a multivariate analysis of variance to investigate the mean differences on the dependent variables and a linear discriminant analysis (Wilks' lambda) for the determination of the main variables that distinguish successful sample (SP) from less successful sample (LSP) athletes. Results: MANOVA showed a significant effect of athletes’ level, with mean values revealing the superiority of selected athletes on all variables measured. Linear discriminant analysis revealed ball throwing speed and body height as exhibiting the highest correlation that distinguish SP from LSP athletes, followed by standing jump and maximum oxygen intake variables. Conclusions: Statistically significant differences exist between SP and LSP athletes, in parameters that are considered basic and significant in team sports like handball. Full Text: PDF DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v2n2a13

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