
Social engineering (SE) presents weaknesses that are difficult to quantify in penetration testing directly. The majority of expert social engineers utilize phishing and adware tactics to convince victims to provide information voluntarily. SE in social media has a similar structural layout to regular postings but has a malevolent intrinsic purpose. Recurrent Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory (RNN-LSTM) was used to train a novel SE model to recognize covert SE threats in communications on social networks. The dataset includes various posts, including text, images, and videos. It was compiled over a period of several months. Then carefully curated to ensure that it is representative of the types of content that are typically posted on social media. First, using domain heuristics, the social engineering assaults detection (SEAD) pipeline is intended to weed out social posts with malevolent intent. After tokenizing each social media post into sentences, each post is examined using a sentiment analyzer to determine whether it is a training data normal or an abnormality. Subsequently, an RNN-LSTM model is trained to detect five categories of social engineering assaults, some of which may involve information-gathering signals. Thus, the proposed SEA model yielded a classification precision of 0.82 and a recall of 0.79.

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